always one step ahead


Hey lovely soul...

... before you find out how the angels are always one step ahead, I just wanted to invite you to a free remote 1-question angel card reading.

All my clients receive a free reading from me. It's the perfect way to experience your first angel card reading from me or, indeed, your first ever angel card reading. And it makes the ideal first step on your journey of angelic guidance, to a life that is fulfilled.

If you're curious and haven't yet received an angel card reading from me... click here

I had a brainwave... and I decided to act on it before the temptation of procrastination kicked in and before self-doubt started to raise its little head.

The idea was to offer a new type of angel card reading. Up until this idea, all my angel card reading sessions were very interactive and very personal. I would connect with my client via video link and we would talk through the angel card reading together; a two-way chat where my client would also give her input and feedback, there and then.

And up until my new idea, my angel card readings were going really well. I was getting fabulous feedback and reviews. The lovely souls I passed on messages to were receiving the exact guidance and support that they needed.

But then I thought: "How can I reach more people? How can I heal more people with messages from the angels? How can I help more people through the reassuring guidance and support the angels wish me to share with them?"

And that's when my new idea popped into my head: remote/distance personal angel card readings where the client didn't need to be present.

I thought it would be ideal for anyone who wanted to receive an angel card reading but whose working hours clashed with mine and they couldn't get time out of work. I knew this was the case for many souls, and I didn't want them to have to forfeit receiving a message or the guidance they needed just because they couldn't show up live, via video link, for a reading.

So, not knowing quite how this would play out or what the format would take, I decided to give it a trial run and I invited a number of clients to a free 1-question distance angel card reading.

I made one promise to myself: that I would record the readings live. There would be no re-takes because I stumbled over words, or it didn't sound quite right, or because I didn't look my best. I wanted this to be raw, to be real, to be a true connection with the angels and a relaying of their message and guidance to each client.

That was a truly hard promise to keep, especially initially. You see I'm a recovering perfectionist who neither likes to see nor hear herself on video. And I wanted the messages I relayed to my clients to be absolutely perfect. When I first did free general group angel card readings each week for the lovely souls who subscribe to my emails  I recorded them on camera. But to record one message took nearly half a day as I did umpteen retakes of the video because I couldn't get it perfect! As a result, the videos didn't flow as naturally as I would have liked and it just made me more nervous in front of the camera.

I knew when I was considering offering this new type of distance angel card reading I couldn't afford to spend half a day recording and re-recording each message, nor would the angel messages come across as authentic and real, if I did. So I made myself my promise and, as hard as it was to stick to it the first few times, I did.

So I invited my clients for their free reading and they each sent me a question they would like guidance and advice on.

But, what now? What would I do with their question? How did the angels want me to answer it? Would I be able to pass on the advice from the angels if I didn't have a direct connection with my client? So many questions, so much doubt. And it would have been easy to give into the panic, apologise to my clients for having wasted their time, and not given any readings.

But there was something inside me urging me forwards.

The idea of a distance angel card reading had popped into my head for a reason.

So I I took a deep breath, I calmed myself down and I did what I always do in these situations: I asked my angels and spirit team for guidance and support.

First up I had to choose a deck of angel cards to use. So I consulted my team through my pendulum and they directed me to the same angel deck I use for all personal readings. That eased my panicked mind as I was on familiar territory, using cards I had a very close connection with.

And then I bit the bullet.

I hit record and started my first distance angel card reading. I nervous as it was my first one, that's for sure, as I was talking into the camera on my own, not receiving any feedback or input from my client.

But I made it through the first one, relatively unscathed.

So I moved onto the next reading and that's when I realised that the angels are always one step ahead.

First up, I had been kidding myself when I thought that the idea for this new type of reading was my idea. Of course it wasn't. It was the angels guiding me so I could reach out to more people who needed to receive a message from them... and they came.

Next up, I realised that the angels had the whole format of the distance readings mapped out. All I needed to do was show up, connect with them, open my heart to receive their messages, and open my intuition to interpret the messages as they wished me to. Because the format of each and every reading was the same: same deck of cards, same number of cards needed to interpret each question, and it took the same (or very similar) length of time to deliver the messages and guidance. So clearly the angels had it all already worked out before they even planted the idea in my head.

Each reading took exactly the same format (I kept checking in with the angels just to be sure) and the more I did them the more I relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed them. It felt amazing to be able to reach all these lovely souls and it felt amazing to know that I now would have a tool that would enable even more lovely souls to receive guidance and support from their angel and spirit team.

And then the feedback started to flow in.

I had loved giving the readings but would my clients get as much out of them as I got?

One of the first feedbacks I received picked up on something that I hadn't even thought about. My client told me that she felt the readings would be perfect for anyone who was a bit nervous about receiving an angel card reading. Maybe it's their first time. As she mentioned herself, a few years ago she would have felt really nervous sitting in front of someone, albeit via video, and receiving an angel message. She would have felt nervous, vulnerable and uncomfortable. Whereas being able to watch a recorded video in her own time, at home... she felt she would have appreciated and enjoyed that much more.

Other clients sent me feedback like:

  • "You absolutely must offer this service... I loved all of it. The message absolutely resonated with me. I loved that you used your intuition." ~ Sian
  • "WOW!  You are extremely talented and intuitive and I LOVED the reading you did for me. You nailed it.... you have found your calling and I am so happy for you." ~ Rosemary
  • "WOW! All I can say you have found your calling. Everything you mentioned totally resonated with me and I had a smile on my face when you were talking!!" ~ Emma
  • "... listened to your reading, it was lovely and made me feel quite emotional." ~ Mags
  • "What a great way to do readings for people and then people can watch and listen in their own time." ~ Marie

So it was official. My new angel card reading was a success. It was loved every bit as much by my clients as it was by me.

All the time the angels had guided me and supported me to offer a new angel card reading that could touch and heal so many beautiful souls. As always, the angels were (and are) one step ahead of me.

If you want to experience your first, free, personal 1-question distance angel card message, then click here and I'll be in touch.

With love and angel sparkles, Viv xx