personalised monthly themed card readings

Hello lovely soul!

Welcome to this very special page. Here you shall find themed angel and oracle card readings which I have designed and created for each individual month. To find the angel card reading that is currently available, seek out the current month, read the short description and then click the button to find out about the reading in more detail.

Please note, once this month comes to an end, its related reading shall no longer be available.

So if this month's specially themed reading appeals to you, if it touches an area in your life that you would benefit from spiritual guidance and support, if it is a topic that resonates with you, then click the button, today, and order your reading. All readings are personalised recorded readings sent to your inbox via the platform WeTransfer.

no longer available



Sorry, the energy related to this month has passed which means that this reading has been archived, is now out of date and no longer available.

available now!



Do you fear change? You are not alone... However change is something you cannot avoid. So let's discover how you can better accept change in your life.

coming soon



Are you trapped in your comfort zone? Is life 'same old, same old'? Magic only happens outside the comfort zone, so let's see how we can get you to expand your horizons.

want more guidance on this month's theme? check out the latest...