oracle card reading ~ better protect your energy

Hello lovely soul!

What advice and guidance do the angels and all positive energies who wish to support and guide us, have for you to help you better protect your energy?

You'll only find out when you download the reading.

This 1-card in-depth card reading focuses on the question, "what do I need to know to better protect my energy?", and is the perfect reading for anyone who has been feeling out-of-sorts lately yet isn't sure why or may be experiencing more negative feelings and emotions of late.

When we aren't protect our energy on a daily basis, we're leaving ourselves wide open to taking on the emotions and vibrations of people and situations, more so than we should. If you're taking in too much positive energy from your surroundings and other people, you can feel ungrounded and flighty. If you take in too much negative energy you can experience symptoms such as increased irritability, headaches, a feeling of being out-of-sorts, and, in general, not feeling yourself.

Energy protection is a vital part of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Ultimately how well protected your energy is will determine your overall level of happiness and peace. Whilst it's good to give of yourself to others, it's important to recognise the importance of looking after yourself and your energy.

The message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through this card reading is given through the Find Your Light Inspiration deck by Sara Burrier.

The video duration lasts 17 minutes.

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