oracle card reading ~ keep energy healthy

Hello lovely soul!

What advice and guidance do the angels and all positive energies who wish to support and guide us, have for you to help you keep your energy healthy and in balance?

You'll only find out when you download the reading.

This 1-card in-depth card reading focuses on the question, "what do I need to know to keep my energy healthy and in balance?", and is the perfect reading for anyone who may be feeling exhausted because their energy is off-kilter and out of balance.

Whilst, for example, it's good and rewarding to give, it's also important to balance giving with receiving so you replenish the energy you have spent. And, similarly, whilst it's caring to listen, it's also necessary to be listened to. All too often, such things can be difficult and challenging, especially if you're a generous soul.

For life to remain healthy, it must remain in balance. And that includes our energy.

If we forget or neglect to look after our energy, we might find we take on too much negative from others or simply forget to replenish our energy when we need. And as a result our energy can become imbalanced and unhealthy.

Our energy is a very important of our overall health and yet it's an aspect that is often ignored or forgotten. And, yet, when our energy goes out of balance it impacts every other aspect of our being.

So how do you ensure you keep your energy healthy and in balance? That's what this card reading us focused on.

The message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through this card reading is given through the Find Your Light Inspiration deck by Sara Burrier.

The video duration lasts 29 minutes.

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