oracle card reading ~ overcome your fear of change

Hello lovely soul!

What advice and guidance do the angels and all positive energies who wish to support and guide us, have for you to help you overcome your fear of change?

You'll only find out when you download the reading.

This 1-card in-depth card reading focuses on the question "what do I need to know to overcome my fear of change?", and is the perfect reading for anyone who finds themselves wanting to hide or retreat when presented by new situations or life changes.

The fear of change is probably more widespread than you might appreciate. Indeed, it's something that many of us struggle with.

Whilst a certain amount of fear is natural in life, and a certain amount of resistance to imminent change is normal, it can also stand in the way of us leading a fulfilling, rewarding, and happy life. When you fear a change that is approaching you in your life, it can lead to all sorts of negative reactions and emotions such as sleeplessness, restlessness, agitation and irritability, and over-indulgence of food (comfort eating) and alcohol or drugs (to cause numbness).

The thing about change, in general, is that essentially it's a necessary part of life. Not only that, it encourages you to step out of your comfort zone. Indeed, when we face and overcome the challenges of change, we can begin to build resilience, learn and hone new skills, and become better equipped to tackle future challenges.

Isn't it time to overcome this fear that is keeping you small and stopping you enjoying life?

The message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through this card reading is given through the Archangel Oracle Deck by Doreen Virtue.

The video duration lasts 29 minutes.

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