mentorship & accountability join the programme
Before you sign up to join this mentorship and accountability programme, let me re-iterate the basic important points.
This programme...
is only available to students of my online card-reading courses
requires a 6-month commitment (minimum) of 2 Zoom video sessions per month
attracts an investment of £1.020 (with various payment options available)
Are you ready to become the best possible angel and oracle card reader you can be?
Are you ready to shine your light and help others walk their path through the guidance you receive through your cards?
Then sign the commitment below and I'll be in touch shortly. And for any additional questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at [email protected] or by filling out the contact form at the bottom of this page.
your commitment
By completing and signing this form you are entering a contract of commitment to this mentorship and accountability programme.
Please note: you must complete all fields on the form