start monday with gratitude
1st reflection
Periodically, throughout this coming year, I'll invite you to sit down to reflect.
Often we're rushing through life at such a speed that we don't see just how far we've come, we don't appreciate just how much we've grown. It's only when we reflect and, also, compare our thoughts, outlook, attitude with those from earlier can we really appreciate the change that has taken place. Because change isn't something wondrous that happens overnight. It happens in small seemingly unnoticeable incremental steps.
If we don't take time to periodically reflect, we'll never appreciate just how far we've come and how much we've changed.
one final thing...
I know I've asked a lot of you already... however...
... even though you've had a busy time watching videos and completing exercises (which I hope you've enjoyed), before we arrive at our first Monday on this 12-month transformative experience, there's one final thing I invite (and encourage) you to do before Monday comes around...
... and that's the click the final button below (you'll enjoy this - promise)